Monday, January 25, 2016

Thank you, Michael!

Michael Goldberger, Echo Society Member & Volunteer Usher 

You may recognize Michael Goldberger from your attendance at Auditorium presentations- he’s been a volunteer usher with us for nearly 20 years. And in his story of finding enjoyment and inspiration here, you may also recognize a bit of your own.

Originally from Plainview, Long Island, Michael earned his BS in Business Administration from C.W. Post Center of Long Island University. This beginning is quite far from the Auditorium Theatre, wouldn’t you say?

Well, Michael also stayed close to his birthplace at the start of his insurance career, underwriting specialized commercial lines of Boiler & Machinery with The Home Insurance Company out of New York City. But then, in 1984, Michael took the opportunity to transfer:

It’s funny—I grew up in New York and never felt comfortable there. As soon as I moved to Chicago, I felt at home. About 18 years ago a friend introduced me to ushering on a volunteer basis. The first time I ushered at the Auditorium was for a performance of the Joffrey Ballet in 1998. I have been a fan of the Joffrey and the Auditorium ever since.
And in addition to the performing arts, Michael is also interested in architecture, so you can understand how the history, beauty and acoustics of the Auditorium captured his imagination and keeps him close:

It’s wonderful that the building is so well maintained and preserved. I love that in addition to dance, incredible shows and music are presented here. I’ve seen “Les Misérables,” “Sister Act,” “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,” and so many others and am always amazed at how the staging blows me away every time. I’ve also enjoyed 'Too Hot to Handel' (twice).

Now, more than thirty years since he first moved to Chicago, we at the Auditorium are proud to consider Michael among our closest friends. You see, Michael became a member of The Echo Society when he informed the Auditorium of his decision to include the Auditorium in his will:

“Looking at my estate planning, I thought about what was important to me – what gave me pleasure. I wanted to give back to the Auditorium in some way for the enjoyment I received from the performances I’ve attended, and found The Echo Society."

With his membership in The Echo Society, Michael Goldberger is not only applauding one of his favorite places, he is preserving the true purpose of the this National Historic Landmark and beauty for which it is known.

"I just wanted to do something nice for the Auditorium, since I’ve gotten so much enjoyment from every visit here. Knowing that what I leave will be put to good use so others can enjoy it in the future makes me feel good.” 

Thank you, Michael!

For information on how you can join Michael as a member of The Echo Society, and to discuss the variety of planned giving options with the Auditorium Theatre, please call 312.341.2397.