Sunday, October 19, 2014

Are You Ready For Some Football?

In the spring of 2015, the Auditorium Theatre will play host to a significant and widely-viewed sporting event...the annual NFL Draft.  Each year, hundreds of young athletes enter the draft in hopes of pursuing their lifelong dreams of playing professional football.

Round 1 will take place on Thursday, April 30 while Rounds 2-3 will be held on Friday, May 1.  The draft will conclude on Saturday, May 2 with Rounds 4-7.  In addition to the event inside the Auditorium Theatre, the draft will expand to Grant Park and Congress Plaza.  These spaces will feature an outdoor fan festival for all three days where fans of all teams can follow the draft and enjoy interactive exhibits and autograph sessions with current and former players.

This will be a unique chance to showcase the Auditorium Theatre to an audience of over 45 million people--an unparalleled window to display the grandeur and glory of our cultural icon to the city, country, and word.  Although we're extremely excited by this opportunity, a litany of structural improvements must be addressed in order to ensure the success of this high-profile event.  From re-plastering our lobbies to repainting our arches, mending curtains and upgrading box chairs, the Auditorium Theatre requires a considerable amount of maintenance--and there is not much time in which to complete these daunting projects.  

You can help restore the Auditorium Theatre today--and in the process, help guarantee that viewers around the world will appreciate and understand the true value of this one-of-a-kind cultural treasure.

If you would like to contribute to help the Auditorium Theatre prepare for the scrutiny of a worldwide audience, please call (312) 341-2364.