Friday, April 26, 2013

Pump Action

It wasn’t the most glamorous project—but it was one of the most necessary.  The theatre’s backstage plumbing pumps, which had been in use for a very long time, were in desperate need of replacement.  It was certainly an unpleasant problem to resolve, but our good friends realized that what goes on behind the scenes at the Auditorium Theatre is just as important as what you see on our stage. 
And now we’re pleased to announce that we reached our goal of $78,480, the full amount required to complete this entire project!  We have now secured the necessary funds to ensure that the backstage plumbing pumps in the Auditorium Theatre will soon be replaced.  Everyone at the Auditorium wants to offer our deepest thanks to so many people from throughout Chicago whose assistance keeps the theatre running smoothly and efficiently—and whose help guarantees that countless patrons will continue to enjoy all the inspiring programming and breathtaking architecture our National Historic Landmark has to offer.