Saturday, July 25, 2015

From the Heart

From the moment they first step through the door to their final performance on stage, they know they’re part of something special.   Their hearts may race as they stand in front of the crowd and their emotions may run high, but each of them represents an undeniably inspiring story of success. 

These performers aren't critically-acclaimed musicians or world-renowned dancers...they're children.  And they are part of Hands Together, Heart to Art, one of the Auditorium Theatre's most profound community outreach programs. 
Hands Together, Heart to Art is the Auditorium Theatre’s one-of-a-kind summer arts camp for children who have experienced the death of a parent.  The camp uses music, dance, and theatrical performances to help the children interact, communicate, and ultimately heal.  Each day the campers explore a new artistic medium and a different conduit for channeling their creativity, activities that help them overcome the obstacles of their past and confront the pain left in the wake of their loss.

In addition to their daily activities, each session of camp culminates in a final performance during which the children perform for their friends and family.    

It is difficult to express the profound impact Hands Together, Heart to Art makes on hurting children throughout Chicago. For over eleven years, grieving children at  Hands Together, Heart to Art have: 

·  Participated in artistic activities that build self-confidence… 
·  Listened to guest speakers who share their own stories of losing a parent when they were young…
·  Discussed their grief with licensed therapists and social workers …
·  Joined in a balloon launch as an expression of love for their deceased parent…   
·  And engaged in skits, performances and talent shows that help boost their self-esteem,  encourage cooperation, and foster trust… 

Obviously we understand that we can never fully fill the void in each child’s life.  But by providing them with this outlet we can aid hurting children in their healing and ultimately empower them to lead happy, productive and healthy futures.  These goals, and our commitment to them, only increase every year—and we honored by the kindness of all those who help us provide hope, guidance and comfort to so many young lives. 

 Hands Together, Heart to Art could never succeed without the generosity of good people like you.  To support this one-of-a-kind healing experience, call Amanda Martinez Byrne at 312.341.2364.  


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Board Games

On July 14, 2015, the Auditorium Theatre’s Auxiliary Board completed one of its most entertaining and successful efforts in their short history—and the attendance and enthusiasm were commendable.  The board’s Taproom Trivia fundraising event featured ten rounds of challenging, witty, and unique questions and a litany of exciting prizes.  Held at Lagunitas Brewing Company, the evening was not only a tremendous success…it also helped benefit one of the Auditorium Theatre’s most crucial programs. 

The Auditorium Theatre Auxiliary Board, a diverse group of young professionals committed to furthering the mission of the Auditorium Theatre, is devoted not only to helping fund the restoration and preservation of our National Historic Landmark, but also to raising awareness and generating support for the Auditorium’s educational outreach efforts and world-renowned programming.  All proceeds from the auxiliary board’s trivia night helped support Hands Together, Heart to Art, the Auditorium Theatre’s summer arts camp for children who have experienced the death of a parent.  

The hard work of all the board members and those who attended the wonderful event proved instrumental in bringing hope, comfort, and healing to hurting children from throughout the Chicago area. Although the trivia event proved a resounding success, it is yet another accomplishment in the year-long efforts of the these dedicated professionals. Everyone at the Auditorium is proud to have such talented and compassionate individuals as ambassadors of this cultural institution, and we look forward to witnessing future achievements of the committed group of philanthropists. 

For more information about the Auxiliary Board, Trivia Night or upcoming Devil's Ball please contact or 312.341.2364.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer Rain

Over the last several years, the Auditorium Theatre implemented a variety of restoration and capital improvement projects aimed at augmenting our facilities and enhancing the theatre-going experience for our patrons.  From the addition of a full-service elevator to large-scale plumbing repairs, it’s amazing to see what we’ve accomplished thanks to the kindness of friends like you.

However, as proud as we are of all our recent enhancement efforts, we are currently faced with one of our most challenging initiatives ever. 

Revised ordinances in Chicago require that parts of the Auditorium Theatre be equipped with sprinklers in order to follow updated fire codes.  And for many years, the Auditorium was exempt from this regulation.  But due to recent changes, the theatre must now begin installing sprinklers in order to be compliant with these new laws. 

At a total cost of nearly $1,000,000, this is one of the most challenging and expensive projects that the Auditorium Theatre has ever seen. 

This project is on the heels of one of the Auditorium Theatre’s most exhilarating—but expensive—seasons in history.  That means there is a wide array of expenses that need to be addressed at the theatre…and we are more dependent than ever on the generosity of good people like you.

Fortunately, an anonymous friend has provided the Auditorium Theatre with a unique opportunity that will make an incredible difference to the future of this National Historic Landmark. 

Because she wants to make sure the Auditorium completes this project successfully and addresses the variety of expenses we’ve accumulated over the course of the season, she’s willing to match the first gifts from friends like you up to $65,000!

That means if you send a gift of $25—you’d really be giving $50 to the Auditorium Theatre.

And if you could manage to send a gift of $50 today, this incredibly generous gift would double to be worth $100!

By taking advantage of this special matching opportunity, you will double your impact immediately.  Any gift you can spare will keep the Auditorium Theatre safe, welcoming, and running smoothly for generations to come.  

For more information or to provide a gift, contact or 312.341.2364

Friday, July 10, 2015

Our Cornerstones

Every landmark building needs a foundation...

...a source of strength that helps shoulder the burden

...and a base of support upon which the structure must rest.

In each issue of "The Curtain Speech" this section will highlight some of the Auditorium Theatre's cornerstones--individuals, corporations, and foundations whose support has been especially heartwarming.  We are incredibly grateful for their generosity and their kindness.  And we want to acknowledge their efforts because they are instrumental in helping our National Historic Landmark persevere, prosper, and grow.

These are compassionate people, responsible corporations, and philanthropic institutions. 
These are friends just like you.
These are our cornerstones.  

This month, learn about the historic Palmer House Hilton.  
For over one hundred and twenty-five years, the Auditorium Theatre and the Palmer House Hilton have enjoyed a remarkable union as two of the premier architectural, social, and cultural edifices nestled within the heart of Chicago.  Our joint existence has spanned some of the most marvelous decades of the modern era—together, we’ve survived two World Wars, a national Depression, and the natural ebb and flow of triumph and tragedy.  Through it all, we’ve witnessed the landscape of our world-class city shift and sway, rise up and spread further than many would have dreamed—and yet we have remained, honored and proud to be among the most integral threads in the fabric of one of the world’s grandest and most historic cities. 
The Palmer House Hilton is recognized throughout the world for being the iconic Chicago hotel in operation since 1871, and they value their highly-prized heritage of traditions that have been in place for nearly 145 years. When asked about the hotel 's history and their enduring relationship with the Auditorium Theatre, Ken Price, the Palmer House Director of Public Relations, was characteristically humble and gracious:  “By virtue of our history, our hotel continues to attract new generations of customers and  clients. A key element in the success of this endeavor is allying with other historic partners.  The internationally acclaimed Auditorium Theatre is a supreme example.  If we are known by the company we keep, we feel we are among the best company in the world."
While we at the Auditorium Theatre are touched by these words, we would like to reciprocate Mr. Price’s kind words and acknowledge that our legacy is only possible through ongoing collaboration with esteemed institutions like the Palmer House Hilton.  Considering all that has been attained by our respective organizations, it is only natural that we should build on this shared history, and add to our common chronicle of achievement.  As the official hotel sponsor of the Auditorium Theatre, the Palmer House Hilton continues to ensure that their iconic status will be forever adjoined with ours. Everyone at the Auditorium is honored by this relationship and we eagerly await new opportunities to enhance our partnership and continue shaping the landscape of Chicago for many more generations to come.